Rattling shrouds blog
Her rattling shrouds, all sheathed in ice,
With the masts went by the board;
Like a vessel of glass, she stove and sank,
Ho! ho! the breakers roared!
– Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, “The Wreck of the Hesperus”
Latest posts
Something from nothing
All good
After an unusually long interval…
Good to know: part 5
“Let’s face it…” must rank as one of the most arrogant (and ineffective) ways to engage in a discussion
Good to know: part 4
Here’s the thing about wars: they’re great for science, both in its acceleration and in its funding. WW I was good. WWII was great.
Good to know: part 3
When it comes to the provision of public goods, it turns out, fairness (suum cuique tribuere), has nothing to do with it…
Henny Penny
The Abolition of Man…
Good to know: part 2
That would be the hope…
Good to know: part 1
Many things in life are tiresome, and among those things might fairly be included the open-access debate in scholarly publishing.
That and the thing it came in
Everyone knows what they’re writing about, right?
Except, maybe
For reasons beyond imagining (but maybe that’s the point) you find yourself reading…
The betting sort
If you were French in the latter sixteenth century lucky enough to have time to pass…
For want of a vowel: part 1
For want of a nail the shoe was lost…
Agents and causes
It usually begins something like this…
I almost forgot
Imagine that you’ve established a routine…
Blankets all the way down
For want of a vowel: part 2
Willy nilly
Dog in a manger